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Kulturfest/ Cultural celebration - Kvong Medborgerhus - langgade 64

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I Kvong har vi borgere med mange forskellige oprindelser.

Det har vi lyst til hylde og være nysgerrige på.
Derfor holder en stor række af Kvongs foreninger kulturfest

fredag d. 7/10 kl. 17.00

Sådan skal det foregå:

Tilmeld jer hos Lene på 23410385 eller Tove på 61654232 eller Ulla på 21252631 senest d. 30. september.
I medbringer en ret som passer til det antal personer I kommer.

Gerne noget traditionelt fra det land I kommer fra.
Drikkevarer kan købes eller medbringes
Der kan købes kaffe og kage (Der serveres kaffe og kage til alle)
Der vil være en overraskelse for alle børn. ( 0 - 13 år)
Vi håber både at se folk, som er født og opvokset i Kvong og nytilflyttere

fra alle nationaliteter også Danmark.

Cultural celebration.
In Kvong, we have people with many different backgrounds.

That is something we want to celebrate and explore.

For this reason, many of the village associations have come together

to arrange a cultural celebration on October 7th at 17.00.

This is how it’ll work:

You can sign up by contacting Lene on 23410385 or Tove on 61654232

or Ulla on 21252631 on september 30th at the latest.
Each of the participants will bring with them a dish large enough to serve

themselves and the people they bring along with them.

The dish should preferably be something traditional

from each participant’s place of origin.
Beverages will be sold, or people may bring their own.
Coffee and cake will be serves to all participants at the event, with additional coffee and cake available for sale.
On top of this, there will be a special surprise for all of the kids

between 0 and 13 years.

We will be looking forward to seeing everybody, both those who were born in Kvong and those who have come from all across Denmark

and the world to live with us.

torsdag 1 jan 1970 - Jørn Peter Adolphsen
Vist: 359 gange